Moving tips for cat owners

Here are some moving tips that mom and dad needed to know about….

Story about how a cat moved

Tip # 1.  Once you get a cat, don’t ever move. Cats are by nature, stationary creatures, who take great pride in carefully marking their territory. Everything that a cat rubs up against, becomes theirs, even you. If you decide to change houses, your cat will  have to re-mark everything again, besides, they hate change.

Tip # 2.  Cats, unlike Dogs, hate to ride in a car.  I thought I was going to the Vet that unforgettable day. I am no dumb cat! When my parents try to put me into my softside cat carrier, I call it the [ Vet Transporter,] I stiffen all of my legs at the same time. It’s like trying to put an opened umbrella into a drawer. Impossible..

Tip # 3.  Parents are sometimes smarter than cats. Because of my umbrella stunt, I now have to travel in a large cardboard box, with air holes punched in the top…  Suddenly, with no warning, I found myself in that box! It was very dark and I was scared, no, mad, no, scared, no, mad etc.

Tip # 4.   A mad, scared cat is no fun to travel with, even in a box, in the front seat. I tried everything to get out of that box…clawed, chewed, threw my body against the side, made guttural meow sounds and tried to poke my head through a small tear in the corner of the box. Nothing happened, we just keep driving for what seemed like a few days. Later I learned it was only fifteen minutes. It sure seemed longer, honest.

Tip # 5.  Puzzled cats are quite entertaining to watch.  The box that I was riding in, was taken out of the car and back into the house. The box flaps  opened and I leaped out. To my surprise, the walls had changed positions and the floor felt different but the furniture looked the same. Wait, what happened to the stairs? I can’t find them anywhere. I think we’ve moved… You know what that means… everything needs to be re-marked, by me of course. This will take a long time but this is what cats do. Afterwords, a long nap.  For now I’ll mosey off to mark.  Meow for now, T

