This is my third blog. Yes, some cats CAN count!
Carmel, CA…
Mom and Dad just returned from a two week vacation. I hated it! I thought they had left me forever. Granted, I got to stay at home, instead of in some cage, off sight. I had a cat sitter who smelled like a dog. Go figure… Ok, I have lots to report. They go to Carmel, CA every year and know the area very well. Even though Mom and Dad say they love to try new things, they always go to this same restaurant on their first night in Carmel. It’s called “The Flying Fish.” Now that’s funny in itself. I sit at the window for hours and watch lots of things fly by but none of them are fish. Anyway, Mom always orders Yin Yang Salmon. If you’ve read my book, you know that I dislike Salmon. Yes, I’ve tried it, however, Mom says when I eat it, I flip over backwards and run sideways through the house. How embarrassing! This apparently doesn’t happen to Mom. She loves the stuff. Dad had something called, Temp-ora. Guess what they ordered next, in this “Asian” restaurant….A hot fudge Monday! No, that’s not right. All I remember them saying is, it was a hot fudge day of the week, with extra hot fudge. They ate their entire dinner, plus dessert, at one time, unlike me, who takes a few bites, then walks away, then back, then away, then back again… And, did you know that some humans actually moan while they eat? My parents said they moaned through the entire meal.
The other highlight in dining, came at a place called “The Cottage.” Moaning food this time, was Artichoke soup. So the next time you are in Carmel and enjoy moaning while you eat, try “The Flying Fish” and “The Cottage”. Tell them a cat sent you. Meow for now, T